Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Fire and The Shadow...

This work tries to potray that every good thing has a an associated bad sibling. Be it in physics .. matter and anti matter, or in religion.. Good and Evil. What I am trying to convey is left open for the reader to assimilate, but the bottom line is that each of us has our dark side which accompanies our goodness... We need to keep it in control, and also look out for it in every one we meet. I dedicate this poem to a special friend I know, who's story motivated me to think on these lines...

The light loomed up, warm and bright
a welcome sight in the dark of her night
She watched it flicker and grow brighter
each moment made it seem more dearer

No more would she sit alone and pine
her only support had been that of the divine
for now a little spark that seemed to grow
mesmerised her by the warmth of its glow

She stared and watched the light flicker
the cold of her night seemed to disapear
The light was growing strong and bigger
soon it wud be a healthy burning fire

Little did she see beyond that sight
the warmth of the fire in her cold night
Unaware was she of the silent eerie slithering
that crept unanounced on its unsuspecting victim

In tandom with fire it grew up behind her
pranced around to the beat of the flicker
she seemed lost.. in some kind of trance
blissfully unaware of this wild ritual dance

Oh yes the fire was raging now
the heat was searing her brow
yet she chose to stay on with the light
dare not she return to the cold of the night

The fire carressed her soothingly
but behind the shadow crackled
so enchanted was she with the embers lit
she did not see the evil that come along with it

It raised its mean sinister hood
to reveal a sight so ugly and horrifying
She felt the chill in her womanhood
as the fire continued to caress, hardly gratifying

How could the fire be the cause of such distress
How could it pair with the hideous and soul less
leaving her broken.. and a shattered sight
The Fire and The Sinister Shadow of the night..


Shweta said...

This one brings tears into my eyes! No comments...I just feel it as I read it! :(

Unknown said...

I found your poem to be extremely moving and so true to life sometime God makes us see that ugliness so we be strong to face any storm..thank you.