He laid his eyes on her on the dance floor
surrounded by flattering men loud in encore
sashaying elegantly to the beat of warm music
dressed in white against the sea of black tunic
With an amused smile he studied the scene
reaching her was impossible, it would seem
but bowled over was he at the first sight
he knew ahead would be a long long night..
After dancing his bit he sat down at the bar
chatted with the hostess about the pretty star
Poured out her favourite drink along with his
the lemon tinged mocktail with loads of fizz
After a while she came to quench her thirst
he offered the drink and she smiled at first
"All yours lady but the payment is one dance
with this long line I never did get a chance.." :D
she laughed and they danced not just that once
together on the floor lost in a pleasant trance
the music soon slipped into a romantic beat
waltzing till her tired legs forced a retreat
He escorted her out into the cool fresh air
relief from the noise and heat, an alone pair
on the fountain edge she took a comfortable seat
sipping her drink while he worked on her aching feet
He downed his customary peg in one swift go
felt the heat spread down from head to toe
with fire in his veins he looked in her eyes
singing her song he had practised but thrice
She burst out laughing at his ragged attempt
a sweet honeyed laugh with a hint of contempt
"You work like a cassinova yet you can't woo
its a wonder how so many girls surround you!" :))
They made love that night under the stars
passionate and tender surrounded by the cars
entwined close in each other arms they had lay
like long time lovers full of love and care..
"Oh no! My partner's waiting, I'll be in soup"
Kissing him quickly she gave a long last look
"thanks for the lovely time but I have to go"
and disappeared hurriedly back onto the floor
In the morning he realised with bewilderness
he didnt even take her number in all that madness
homeward bound he now had to catch his flight
only with memories of that one beautiful night
one night stand??
i hate such women
Nothing to hate in the woman
Perhaps I cudnt do justice in bringing out the magic in the night
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