The damp but unique smell filters right in
dark clouds have filled the sky to the brim
The heat of the dry land was being overcome
by heavy air, moisture laden which had become
Thunder rumbled out, grumbling as it must
fair bit of lightening, ionising the dust
I pull up two chairs out in the balcony
in a bid to enjoy natures splendid symphony
I Call out to you, lest you might miss
the first droplets, the ground they kiss
each strike raising a minor puff of dust
as they begin to quench the parched crust
Softly the pitter patter grows to a crescendo
as the skies unleased their loads with gusto
the wind swirling through the grateful flora
tickling our nostrils with that heady aroma
You disappear back in for a few moments
your voice drowned under the nosiy torrents
Only to reappear with pipping hot tea
and delicious snacks to nibble with me
What better way to spend the evening I think
tasty crispy pakoras dipped in spicy tamarind
sitting with you, audience to natures show
sipping on tea, could they be anything more?
And then the crows start their noisy call
wet and disgruntled by the excessive rain fall
but heedless the skies empty out in buckets
mindless of the cribbers under leafy pockets
We watch the rivelets form in the ground
rushing.. gurgling, flowing by rocks around
I glance at you and smile as you gently sip
making effort to offer u snacks I nearly slip
With a shake off your head you slowly uncurl
rise from your chair.. your skirt you twirl
with a mischevious smile you come up to me
and seat yourself on my lap comfortably
I feel your body fill the contours of mine
and smell in the fragrance a different kind
as you lean back onto my thumping chest
the eats held against your lovely breast
I smile and nuzzle into your luscious hair
cuddle around your slender waist half bare
stroke your midriff on supple soft skin
you playfully push snacks to stiffle my grin
We sit cuddled for hours on end
sipping tea and enjoying the trend
the ambience is serene and sensuous
arousing loving affections tremendous
The clouds have disappeared the sky clears
crickets start chirping their mating cheers
The moon is full dousing us with milky white
and I look forward to the long long night..
A night - dat awakens senses galore
Surpassin all heights united we soar
Creatin fusion at a rhythmic pace...
Dispelling darkness Oh!sweet embrace.
U shud start ur own blog :)
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