Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Provocative Thoughts...

Here is an interesting but rather provocative thought process of mine, dealing with the what amounts to straying from a relationship...

Women look for bonding and devotion
men for sexual satisfaction
Her need for never ending emotion
his for physical gratifaction

Happens many a time in a relation
that neither may feel content
The man cannot provide the emotion
and she complement his sexual bent

The man then may stray easily
looking for pleasure external
only to be chastised hastily
and damned to hell infernal

But I ask what about the woman
who too looks around for comfort
Not getting it from her man
She begins her feelings to divert

It may be a simple friendly relation
where in she can tell out her soul
but soon develop into complications
for the other man has but one goal

Its not a suprising revelation
that a woman content in her emotion
would not mind bending to this friend
& see much wrong in his playful trend

Soon the woman is too strongly bond
too differentiate this association
especially when the loving friend
begins to demand more of the relation

She finds herself in a wierd turmoil
her thougts begining to get confused
Would it be right for her to foil
a relationship which she had needed & used?

Finally his perseverance pays off
and she gives in to his demands
what began as an emotional support
now develops fully without any bounds

Tis sad when neither the man or woman
can stay faithful in their relation
be it the man straying sexually
or the woman with her emotion..


Shweta said...

Hey! Nice poem...I dont agree to the main idea though! I do agree that the needs of men and women are different but betraying your spouse by having sexual relationships outside a marriage is completely different from a woman relying on someone and sharing her feelings (emotional)with him. You cant compare the two. You cannot say for sure that the friendship that starts that way would (for sure) end up in an extra marital relationship. It just depends on the type of person he/she is and how easily can one compromise with their moral values if they have any.

Its a nice poem, nicely writtten though! Keep up the good work! :)

Nuked Fussion said...

hmm.. i think i should write more controversial stuff, it evokes a better response :D
I agree with you though, its not in everycase. I was just weighing the needs of a woman against that of a man and what may cause a relation to suffer. Women look for emotional bonding in a relation and hence looking for external emotional support may be as defeating to the relation as a man looking for a few minutes of pleasure, cause if a woman isnt happy emotionally she can never give her 100% in a relationship..