The sun beat down relentless
scorching all with brutality
The barren stretch was endless
blazing hot, hell in totality
The buzzard hovered high above
sharp eyes fixed on his prey
death was waiting down below
today would be his lucky day
The man crawled an inch more
mechanically, no where to go
blistered badly in the sands
clawing with disfigured hands
Parched throat, split lips
skin torn from his wounded hips
eyelids swollen, almost blind
crimson was his trail behind
If only he could get to sip
just that wee bit of water
if only his lips could he dip
in that life giving nectar
He felt the talons tear his back
flesh ripped up under the attack
the starving buzzard was at work
alive prey, yet it did not shirk
He felt no pain just dull tugs
for threshold was long crossed
his mind wandered in the past
flashbacks of happiness lost
Of his childhood in the ranch
strong ma and pa who could punch
tasty meals and a warm bed
nightly love trysts in the shed
And then her face appeared
almost real his heart it seared
laughing and teasing in his arms
mesmerising with her girlish charms
He had left without a proper bye
to chase his dreams, away fly
soon to return he had promised
it was her, the most he had missed
Would it all end this way?
he cursed his life as unfair
so much was still left undone
his life waning under the sun
The buzzard sensed the bigger bird
saw the machine much after he heard
with a cry of despair he left the prey
today again would not be his day
The man was placed in the stretcher
airlifted to the nearest doctor
heavily patched and sewed up good
given fluids till he could eat his food
Lucky man murmured the nurse
rescued alive he was the first
special meals she cooked for him
amazed by his fighting spirit within
He did return home later that year
only to realise his deepest fear
his love had moved on with her life
mother of a doting two, she was a wife
The buzzard began to circle his prey
a familiar sight as on that ill fated day
he was getting old and a family to feed
die must this man to fulfil his need..