Live life like a flower
with your love as nectar
blossom radiant and bright
be that attractive sight
no matter how many bees
give all with equal ease
the day will soon come
when your works is done
and grains of your presence
will bear fruits of essence
Live life like a river
run deep and strong
be the wholesome giver
for the right or the wrong
let the thirsty drink true
support all the needy in you
gently work on the hard rocks
deviate around arrogant stops
remember the goal is but the sea
nothing enroute will weaken thee
But Live not like the creeper
growing by ebracing deeper
sucking of life as it feeds
full of never fulfilling needs
Its support now ill in health
squeezed dry to its very death
what achievement is there to show
for what did the creeper grow..
And live not like the virus
truly abhorred and hideous
searching for an ideal giver
unsatiable on its trigger
multiply it will tirelessly
feed off will it endlessly
and then close up in its shell
after making all around it hell..